Leaving my Finger[p]rints

Would you mind if we ended this one? I want to get some post-puppy threads started and have found myself losing inspiration for older ones ^^;

Naniko was used to wolves coming in and out of her lives. The ones who did stick around were appreciated and, in Anathema, rewarded for the most part. The white queen liked to let her lackeys know when they had done a good job, if she was able to. She'd been pretty tied down with her pregnancy. Naniko had thought of appointing someone to take care of things during the week after their birth, to allow her time to rest and get into a schedule of sorts...but she wasn't certain who yet. She couldn't leave the pack in the hands of just anyone.

The leader nodded at Soran's words - she often thought of those who had left and if they would be coming back, but held no ill feelings against them for taking off. She hoped that she would see some of her children again someday...Brooklyn and Salem were out there somewhere, after all. The dark mother offered her some assistance while she was in the packlands, and Naniko opened her mouth to refuse. She couldn't allow a guest of the pack to be doing things for her, and she was a fairly simple wolf...Ravesque offered her all that she could think to want. "I have help - while you're here I want you to be able to rest as well, Soran. I've got plenty of room in here and have some nice furs that could make a good bed...If you want. I wouldn't send you to the Guest Dens - not someone as close to me as you are. Close friends and family are welcomed to stay in this bigger den with me."

A compromise, of sorts. Soran could still look after Naniko, and she would know if she needed help with anything as well. She leaned in to listen to the older female speak of her family, ears perked in interest. "They sound like a great bunch, Soran. I do hope to meet them someday...you'd all be welcomed to come and stay if you ever find yourself without a home. Or even just passing through. Of my children that visit me here...Rio Marino has just returned to the lands. She's darker-pelted, like you, with purple eyes. I don't know where she got those from...somewhere down the line, I'm sure. Then I have Scorpius D'Angelo here with me, he's Ravesque and I's boy. Looks just like his father, with a dark pelt and crimson eyes. These pups...well, I need to speak more with their father before I decide on their last names. But at least one should be a D'Angelo, like me. Octavius, perhaps. Those are the three names I've chosen, if I do have three...Severus, Judas, and Octavius"

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