Beyond Borders
[html]OoC: Okay, that's fine! I'll assume since this is after Haku's thread, he already knows a little. Then this can bleed into Iskata's thread... *mumbles to self*


Slay met Cercelee's serious gaze, a helpless look on his black-daubed face. She... would accept Haku...? Because they were cousins, because he was her friend's father, and raised her too? But... Couldn't she see that there was something wrong with him? Don't trust him, please don't trust him, Slay's pale eyes pleaded, but quickly looked away. Cercelee was their Rosea. She knew best. She had to. It would not do to beg her... Maybe it was simply that Haku was a male, and Slay had a mile-long list of anxieties when it came to that gender. But... it felt like more than that. He felt himself desperately hoping that their peaceful home would remain peaceful, but perhaps it was already too late for that.

"P-promises... no," he tried to explain softly, watching the slow-moving waves of the ocean. "If you need me... you have to tell me what to do. Then I can do it."

He stood abruptly, shaking the sand from his thick fur. Enough of that. Cer didn't want him to go soft on her! Just because tension made him physically ill, doesn't mean that he should weird out his friend... leader. Cer did have a habit of speaking bluntly, though, didn't she... Slay forced a smile, hoping that he could play along sufficiently.
"Methinks you've found the wrong beach again, dovely. This one just doesn't feel right to me. But perhaps it depends on what you're looking for." He gave her a wink and a swish of his ebony tail, ignoring the twinge of fear he felt in his stomach. It wasn't fear for himself, he realized. He was more afraid that Haku... would hurt Cercelee.


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