her goodbye says it all
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v160/ ... /ceres.gif); background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Cercelee shook her head. She had understood. Cercelee knew what they were up against, she also knew that with or without Haku that they would be up against it. "And do you think Inferni would have just looked us over if I had not accepted Haku? They were already asking for our blood, at least with Haku we have a little more defense." Cercelee heard the Inferni leader’s name for the first time. Gaberiel? Had he been the one to storm onto their packlands and slay wolves on their borders? His name didn’t matter. “They already had it out for us Iskata! I’m not the one who started this, so why lecture me so? If I could end it that easily I would, but that is no easy task. You must know that? Or are you here to answer all my prayers? The last sentence was said with a sneer. What did Iskata hope to accomplish besides kicking Haku to the curb? “ I don’t care about past wars Iskata, I don’t care what Laruku has to say. I only care about this, right here, this pack. I only care for what’s best for them. Unless you are going to magically call Inferni off, then I will take help where I can find it. Right now that’s Haku. Tell me if you have a better plan.” She spat the words at her aunt’s feet, the navy eyes were burning, much like those of a demon that lived two generations before her. It was rare that Cercelee did not bother to control her emotions, did not bother to play a part, let the passion, anger or whatever else she felt flow and speak for her, as was trademark for many of her dead relatives, but here she was. Because although she could stay composed, she was far too tired of this conversation to any longer.


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