Beyond Borders
You want to make this a shorter thread and make a new Slay/Cer hunting thread that we talked about in the Windseeker thread, or do you want two Slay/Cer threads going on... or you want to keep this going and just wait for a pack thread oooor... XD I don’t want to overwhelm you with too many threads! I must remember that not everyone has as much free time as I.

Cercelee flicked her ears at Slay’s comment. The female did not like the idea of telling Slay to do anything, although as Rosea she knew that she had that power over him, over the whole pack. Perhaps she was not suited to be Rosea, or perhaps she would just do the job a little differently. There would be times, she knew, when she had to tell others what to do, and probably times when she would have to enforce that, but she hoped that commands and force would never be used with Slay.
How about I ask you, and you do it for me? Asking was so much better than telling.

The male jumped up so quickly, Cercelee jerked her body back. But a smile spread on his lips. Following suit, Cercelee rose and shook her fur out, free from the sand that clung to her pelt. All at once Cercelee let the seriousness slip away, and she was back, once again. Just Cercelee, with her friend Slay.
So I’ve found the wrong beach, eh? She sniffed the air and looked sideways at the two-toned male. Yup, even smells wrong. Although, we haven’t search the whole beach, I mean, maybe we haven’t given it a far shot? Or should we go looking for other beaches? Cercelee glanced to the sunflower patch again, the oranges, reds, and yellows standing out brilliantly as the sun came even closer to setting. It would have been nice had this been the right beach, but perhaps the next beach would be even better.


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