other kings
I am totally guilty of rolling up a joint after reading your previous replies, so don't mind any weirdness in my post if there is any. XD

“Oh... well that might be okay.” He assented after the stranger had reassured him, taking a couple steps back away from the edge as she neared it. His gold eyes glanced to the large toad and he moved closer to where she stood to get a better look at it, ears perked in interest but his attention couldn't be captured long by the weird amphibian as his eyes flicked to where she tossed the strange, rolled up paper she had been inhaling to the ground, stepping it out.

“Marijuana,” Max repeated slowly, crouching down so he could lean in at get a better whiff of it, completely oblivious of what it was meant for but incredibly intrigued by its scent. He had witnessed so many new things since he had came here, so much so that he believed he could be on a different planet, with strange creatures that resembled the ones on earth but with alien new customs.

When she spoke again she introduced herself as Sage and Max straightened up with a smile, tail giving a small wag. “Max, a half-monster!” He introduced himself as always, “what are you?”

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