Beyond Borders
OoC: ahakjhfjsndewnijkujh too many choices aarrgghh... XD I don't mind multiple threads, I just might be a little slower in replying to them. This one might not last much longer, so maybe start a new one...? xP I dunno, I'm cool either way. Erm, any... three ways?


"Heh heh, we can search around, m'dear. Maybe we'll turn up something nice after all," he smiled indulgently, ready to play the game. There was more here than he'd first realized - he hadn't been paying much attention when he arrived, of course. It was a pretty spot, with the flowers and such. Everything had so much colour, compared to the snowy arctic. It was nice!

The broad-chested male loped forward several paces, landing with a crash into the sunflower patch. The tall stalks waved crazily as he rooted around with his muzzle, searching for a scent that did not exist. Brightly-coloured petals contrasted with his simple black and white fur, when he popped his head up from within the thicket. "Still not sure if it's the right one, lovey! You wanna check?" A single golden petal had settled onto the tip of his wet nose, and he grinned, leaving it as a fashion statement. His grin froze for a moment, though, as his mind returned to the question she had asked him before. He glanced briefly out to the horizon, where the sun's rays were lengthening to signal their departure - he could never look her in the eye when he was being serious.

"And, eh... I can't... I'm unreliable, Cer, I'll let you down... unless you give me no way out..."


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