nothing's lost forever

OOC here!

Word Count → 409

Grabbing his legs was perhaps not the kindest move, but once he relaxed Markus began to let him go, about to suggest an alternative method--it was obvious Thomas wasn't comfortable this way--but then he snapped at Markus' hair, and he felt a bit of his own ire rise. Of course, Thomas was a stranger; they didn't know each other. Markus' usual methods wouldn't work. He would have to be a bit more thoughtful with Thomas. Had he known that Thom was struggling because he thought Markus didn't care, he might have been outraged, or hurt. He wasn't a bad person; not heartless or cruel enough not to care that this male was obviously injured, and needed assistance.

When teeth sank into his shoulder, drawing blood and stinging pain, however, Markus had had enough. He gave an 'Alright, fine,' growl and let go, rolling the injured shoulder to throw Thomas off. He didn't particularly care anymore if it injured the older dog further; he was going to leave him here. Or, he would have, had Eva not returned right then and seen both the wound on Thom's leg and the blood dripping through Markus' chest fur. For a moment, he thought she would be angry; she always got angry when other people were injured.

This time she burst into tears.

Daddy! Eva hurt too, Eva hurt too! Fall down go boom! She whined, and promptly rolled over and made a big show of playing injured, even managing to cry. Those were probably real tears, Markus thought, and as he went over to pick her up and rested her against his injured shoulder, her sobs became heavier, and she attempted to avoid the blood as best she could. Markus shook his head a bit and started walking again, pausing by Thomas and looking straight ahead, rather than at the other male, as he spoke.

You're still welcome to come with us. His tone was stiff, though other than that monotonous, and he started walking without waiting for an answer. He doubted Thomas would be able to walk far without even the small support of a bandage around his leg, and if he could, well, good for him. If he decided to stay behind and wait for a better option to come along, Markus didn't rightly care, and if he broke down and asked to be carried after all...well, Markus wasn't entirely sure he would agree. Not anymore.

with a broken heart

      that's still beating

image courtesy of Al Burke@Flickr; edits by iku; table template by the Mentors!

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