Beyond Borders
XD well then, we can start another in Dahlia de Mai and see where this one goes as well. Because I like lots of threads XD I shall start in the packlands, yes?

Cercelee bounced after Slay,. breaking through the wall of tall sunflower stalks. Once inside the patch, it was like a cloud of color, completely encompassing her and her companion within the flora. Coming face the face with Slay, Cercelee let a little puff of air out and blew the petal off of the male’s nose.
Huh, you may be right. The beach surely is beautiful, but I don’t think it’s the right beach at all. Besides, it’s quite a walk from home. Cercelee spun in a tight circle inside the sunflower patch, her tail clumsy hitting the stalks. Not much room in here either. Cercelee paused and glanced to Slay as he diverted his attention and answered her question. Oh... Her stomach dropped. But she picked it up quickly. I guess I might just have to use some force with you then? Her voice turned coy, almost flirtatious, the disappointment masked effortlessly. She’d rather he be reliable without her coercion, but Cer would take what she could get.


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