Jigsaw [P]uzzles

WC: 374 OOC: Big Grin

Jiva grinned happily as he had succeeded in scaring the little girl! He had no notion that she was a bit older than him by a good few months, this mattered little to the boy. She was young and she was a potential playmate.

“M’ name’s Jiva Takekucho!”

Jiva said, he turned to his dad who chuckled and shook he head. Jiva had a hard time remembering and pronoucing his own last name. Niro didn’t blame him, it wasn’t as though it was a really easy name to say. Niro smiled at Robin when she turned to him.

“Hello Robin, I hope the day is well for you.”

He remembered meeting her as she was really young, doubtful that she would remember him, but he remembered her playing with her siblings as he and Princess caught up, though he had voiced his worries onto the woman, his worries of being a horrible father, as he’d started out as one. Now it was like him and Jiva were inseperable, and he loved it. Robin had grown much since Niro had seen her last, and it made him wish he hadn’t been traveling so much, trying to get the messaging services established, he had more packs to go to, but he was letting himself have time within his own pack before heading out, this time working for two packs at once, it would be a big journey and he’d have a horse, but he knew it would take him a while. For now he was enjoying his time off, by hunting, leather working, and playing with his son.

“You probably don’t remember me, I met you when you were really young I’m Niro Takekuro.”

He said, to freshen the memory of the girl. He looked in the stables then at the pup and smiled

“I hope none of my birds in there are causing you any troubles.”

He said, he’d left his stock of birds in the stables, not having any better place for them. His home was not a good place, and though he only had a few raptors he was training a good few pigeons for messages.

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