Alesigja tho rhi thuesgho

His eyes lit up, chest swelling with pride and excitement alike at the prospect of another follower of the Great Mother. Razekiel knew well he was not alone in his beliefs — Juniper Peace and the ways of his daughters were enough proof of that — but the man had not expected in the least to find another he might actually find that connection to. How strange, he found, that Jace had so early on decided Ichika no Ho-en was a terrible place in contrast to the lost Phoenix Valley, and yet she'd shared similar morals and aspirations to one of the Ichikan founders all along. Peculiar.

"She smiles on you," he said simply, a smile at his features as the Seiryu settled down beside her without need for invitation. He did not worry for such things like "personal space" and other means of separating oneself from the welcoming world around them. "I see it, clear as the sun behind the clouds." He pointed at the stormclouds outdoors, thus making his words even more vague, and yet his grin did not falter nor seem any less invalidated by the state of the weather. He would not reveal the whispers of the Mother in his ears, the suspicion that Jace had lost her way. He did not see any deception in her words of belief, no, but the way she moved and the hidden emptiness in her gaze brought the hippie curiosities of the woman's past.

Then again, perhaps it was just the marijuana.

"After we die?" he repeated aloud, then pulled at the curling hair at his chin. A strange question to provoke of him so early in their relationship. Perhaps one of proving; perhaps she desired a certain answer from him to gain her approval. The prince shrugged. "The Mother pulls us back to her embrace, back to whence we came... and our bodies fade to support that which still lives, until the day they must do the same. It is all part of a circle of life, man. I am honored to be a part of it."

A pause, then a lighthearted chuckle. "Ah, but that's not what you are asking, is it? I do not know where the soul goes, stormeyes. I do not worry for it."

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