Joining InH
Character Name: Carwyn Zazkex
Character Birthdate: Dec 2009
Gender: Male
Species: Canis Lupis
Is your character a Luperci?: Yes
Other 'Souls Characters: None Currently Active
How you found 'Souls?: Returning
Are you joining a pack?: InH
If joining a pack, are you joining IC or OOC?: IC
Profile or three RP examples:

This was it. This was the moment of truth. Carwyn felt ready and responsible for this. He was going to ask the leaders is he could have his chance in the ranks. He was grateful that Jefferson let him stayed on Genus the whole time. Now, he felt that he was ready to ascend. His father had ascended high once again. Now, it was the younger generation's turn to do the same. He felt a little nervous about approaching Jefferson, due to knowing what he was like, however, he swallowed it, and proceeded on.

He had wondered into the Villa where the Patriarch and the Savant had been staying at since the storm a while ago had blown over the barn roof. This where e would find them. With some courage he let of a howl to the leaders and waited if one was to answer it. One would turn up eventually. In his luperci form, he sat down on one of the nearby chairs that, luckily, wasn't blown away, not yet. From the looks of it, the humans had bolted it into the ground, so it was not to move.

The was asking himself many things in his mind. Is he going to say yes? Is he going to say no? What will I do? How will I do? These thoughts made him even more nervous, shaky nervous. This was short lived, as he shook the thoughts out of his head. Calm down, Carwyn. Deep breath now. He obeyed himself and took a deep breath. Felt better already.

Carwyn had stepped beyond the PV line for the first time. He was a little nervous, however, he would go off to farr from the pack. He came into the Dampwoods, which was not too far from the Phoenix Valley boundary line. He wanted to explore the surrounding area. Unlike his siblings, he won't be leaving home. He's got so much with his parent and this pack. Besides, he knew nothing of the other packs. What would he do? Where would he go? Would he still be allowed back to Phoenix Valley? Those were the questions in his mind

He walked across the pine needle littered ground, which seemed to nullify the sound of his footsteps. Maybe, if he was given a chance at hunting, this would used as his advantage. However, this was like this long before he was born, so maybe this had been used as a plan. However, he didn't think on it for long, as he progressed on into the forest.

The Zazkex child came to a small stream that was flowing along the rocky ground. He sat just on the edge as he leaned over a little, putting his paw in and feeling the water run through his paw fur. This made him giggle a little. He found it quiet here, it was pleasant. Maybe he shoud come here more often.

The boy had not shaken his excitement so soon. It has been nearly a day, and he was still overwrought with anticipation to give his support to the pack. Today would be his first day to perform his first pack duties. This was so exciting for him. His parents were pleased that Jefferson actually said yes to the boy. Unlike his siblings, that just come and go, Carwyn knew and assured himself, he would not be leaving off to another world anytime soon, or in the future. He might visit places, but never disappear and come back later.

He walked down away from his home, which he shared with his parents, the only place he can come back to; his sanctuary. He looked back as it gotten further and further away, until it was completely out of sight, but the boy kept on, turning back to in front of him. He wouldn't disappoint anyone. Not his parents, not Jefferson, not even his potential friends and acquaintances he would meet along the way on his new path, his new step into the world of pack life.

He had eventually made his way into the Firefly Fields, where he examined the area. The job he had decided to do, was be hunt and take training in the numerous skills. He had no mentor, however. He stopped, only to start thinking. Who would take him? There was his father, but he was into something else. There was his mother, but she was still recovering from the her injuries. Besides, he didn't want to be a burden to her in her current state. Maybe the boy was getting a little ahead of himself. Over excitement.

All he did was lie in the grass, looking up at the sky. He had much to learn, yet no one to help him. If he wasn't so shy and didn't hang around much at home, he might have met someone who would be willing to help him progress. He had so many thoughts, and had no one to help. He let out a soft sigh as he gazed at a passing cloud. "What to do?" he muttered to himself

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