Brothers for the last time

OOC here!

J'adore's attack missed it's primary target, but it still homed in onto an effective position, his brother's shoulder. A smile forwarded itself onto the elder Spaniard's face as Leon winced, a brief one however, because
brothers should not enjoy each others pain. He comforted himself for a moment, the smile had been for his good strike. He did not need the guilt of relishing his brother's misfortune at this time. Leon made his move, and as much as J'adore tried to avoid the strike, it was well placed and although it didn't hit J'adore full on, the attack was good enough to catch him on his side.

It was Leon's turn to smile now, well if he wished too, perhaps it would lighten his mood. J'adore winced, his free hand clasped to his chest, thank the spirits he hadn't chosen the knives. The strike was good, there was no doubting that, J'adore himself showed it in his wince. He glanced over to his kinsman, nodding with pride and taking a deep breath. He readied himself to attack again, finally recovered from the blow. He steadied his weight, calming his mind and aiming his weapon. Although Leon had lowered himself, he was still tall, and as J'adore move forward, faster than a charging horse, he swept the stick, making his attack on Leon's legs.

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