the incompetent babble

OOC here!

Word Count → 000

The other woman spoke, and Io shrugged in reply casually, 'I have not seen the day recently, but in regards to my well fare, I am fine, yes'. She couldn't fathom a reason why this stranger was askinbg her how she was, politeness probably, but politeness was usually only warrented by males who spent time with her, or people who knew her. None the less that act wasn't rejected.

The hybrid had noticed the woman's accent, and immediatly placed it. To most, the woman's accent's would seem similar, but to the contrymen of those two countries the difference was obvious. Only idiots couldn't tell the difference in her mind. 'You are Russian, yes?' It was more of a statement than a question, she knew she was correct, but turning it into a question masked her vainity and arrogance.

The hybrid took a seat, 'I'm just taking a look at the kitchens, as I may be spending a great deal of time in here...' Or perhaps she could convert one of the spare caves in her home to a kitchen, it would take some work, but it would probably be worth it.

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