[M] Speak To Me

all M'd up?!

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The russet hybrid nodded, 'Since this place is abundant with wolves, there is still a lot of good things here, despite the lack of stock downstairs. They are too stupid to realise the stock room is sotc and only a floor above them'. Or perhaps they did know, but there bulky size did not allow them to dance over the broken floor boards like dogs and coyotes.

'So, what is Anathema like?' she asked, leaning back, small talk was, a way to pass time while minds were made up. And anyhow, she had decided that Anathema was a possible place to live. And what a better way to get a pack insight then to ask a member. 'I don't know of any other pack's save from that Cercatori place, Crimson something and Inferni and Anathema of course. I am also aware of of another pack Inferni was once at war wiith, but that is all I know...' she trained off, her mind turning to wonder about what other packs were in the area. It didn't matter much though, it was unlikely she'd be moving packs again anytime soon.

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