The river...

I'm ever so sorry for the wait on this! It's been a busy few days.WC 944

The ebony watched the little bi-coloured fae with interest, she was indeed astute and intelligent, she seemed to have her head in the right place. The girl spoke of not taking advantage of nature and the gree eyed lady nodded, she agreed whole heartedly, without the trees, the grass and the sun there would be no life here, nothing to sustain the pack, there would be no prey, nothing could hope to survive here. One had to be grateful to nature for allowing the pack such na bounty, a wealth of lush green surroundings filled with plump slow animals. Without this they would all surely starve. The ebony lady was pleased that the little female knew to respect and be thankful for what nature had given her, it seemed her ebony father had taught her well. Duce had always had a great respect and love for nature, she adored the lands around her, it seemed that she had managed to pass this along to her adopted son, and indeed her children who bore her blood, they had all become respectful, pleasant individuals, Soran was glad to see this, she had adored Deuce's children, in another world they would have been calling her mother, she still held them in her heart with great affection, even if they did not know it, she would always be there for them, just as she would always be there for her own children. Should little Fia; who was still too young to be afraid of anything, the terrors of the world not having made themselves present to her; find herself in trouble, the tall ebony female would have no second thoughts about going to help her, to protect her, just as she would do for her own reddish brown granddaughter. The female was very loyal to those she cared about, even though she had left them all for some time in her mind her duty to them had not diminished, should any of them call on her help, she would indeed help them, no matter what it was that she had to do. The only exception to this was when Conri had asked her to kill him, that was one favour that the female could not, would not, ever have been able to perform, no matter how he begged her.
"I am glad that you think that way little one, it is for the best to have a healthy respect for nature after all, it will serve you well in later life I am sure." Soran replied, watching the little female with a small smile, using a nickname that she had reserved for her grandchildren, though Deuce's grandchildren would have bore the same nickname had she been around them more, here stood one of them, and suddenly it seemed fitting to call her little one as well.

The little female spoke again and the dark lady listened, she was not surprised to find that the little one had lived her entire life here, it seemed to be the way nowadays, the hectic travelling that she had done in her own youth seemed to be an unusual thing now. The female was glad that now wolves found themselves a stable home to grow in and raise their pups without fear of having to move. The little fae began to ask the dark female questions and a small chuckle escaped Soran's lips, she smiled at the little girl as she asked how she had known who's daughter she was and how she had known her father. These would be interesting questions to have to answer, the dark female did not know if the young girl knew that sometimes female wolves fell in love with one another and became mates, though she seemed a clever child and would no doubt understand.
"Ah, I recognised your surname, with Marino-Knight as your surname it was clear who your father would be, I have already seen your father since being back, he had told me that he was mated to someone who held the surname Marino, and as his is Knight it was rather clear as to who you belonged to." The female explained, still smiling at the little female.
"As for how I know your father, his mother and I were... great friends, we loved one another very much, we remained good friends throughout our lives, so I saw him occasionally." The female explained, deciding against getting into the more complicated story of Jazper being adopted and Soran herself being Deuce's mate and then her leaving and then coming back again, it was difficult to explain, the pair would have been sat here for hours if she had.

Soon a familiar voice came from behind the pair, the large form of Jazper in his halfling shape came into view, the female smiled as she looked him over, noting his sun shaped tattoo again. As he sat down beside here, she leant slightly, giving him a shoulder bump in greeting, had the pair of them been in Optime form then she would have given him a hug, but without arms a shoulder bump would simply have to suffice.
"No no, you're not intruding at all, we were just discussing nature, and you actually." The female replied with a smile, turning so that she could see both Jazper and Fia from where she was sat. As the little female padded over to show her father her new favourite leaf the ebony lady could not help but smile.
"You have a lovely daughter here Jazper, you have done a very good job of raising her." The female said, suddenly very much enjoying her afternoon in the sun.

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