Cowards, the lot of them.

Word Count → 000

War. So that's why she had been attacked, because she stood between him and his sick desire to control everything around him, it was only a matter of time before that extended to the packs that existed in peace around them as well. He winced as he saw the fear in her eyes, fear of him and what he could do to her and forced himself to visibly relax, pushing away the anger and murderous intent and held out a hand to her,

"I will help you, if you want it. You need not fear me, I will cause you no harm or pain." León was normally a very placid and gentle man and it wasn't until someone threatened his family and the ones he considered close that he turned into the angry, snarling beast he seemed to be so much these days, the anger honestly pained him sometimes, he disliked appearing scary and imposing, especially to his pack mates and even more especially to females. Earthen ears swung backwards and tail lay limp, hackles dropped and fur ceased to poof out like an angry cat's would; all an effort to make himself seem less tall and fierce.

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