The Outside World
Rain watched the dark male with interest. It was here Shiloh's scent was the strongest. He felt in his heart that he had done her wrong and would seek her out and apologize to her. She hadn't deserved his violence and as he approached the male he noticed his pups out and about. They were extremely young and the female reminded him of his sister. He walked up slowly and thought about how he would go about asking the man, what was his name?J'adore if he remembered correctly, where to find Shiloh and her mate. He knew Saxif would fight to keep him away from Shiloh but he hoped to reason with the blonde huntress and tell her that he was forever sorry and that he would make up for it in anyway possible.

He had made it to the steps and stood kinda stiff before addressing the man. "Excuse me. I was wondering if you could tell me where to find Shiloh Grant. It is important that I speak to her," he said softly looking down. Every since the trial he had been plagued with nightmares of the woman. He could see the part of her he knew deep down he broke and he wondered how she was coping. How her mate was coping. He held sadness in his silver teal eyes and he hoped the man would help him.

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