Curiousity killed the cat,

OOC :: Akira saw for first time the sea, such a good moment for her Big Grin WC→200+

The last days of just traveling from place to place with no real destiny just started getting kind bored for Akira, she just found a new wolf territory in her way while traveling to the south when the scent of salty water was leaded her to the sea. The black wolf kept walking toward the sea as she enjoyed the fresh smell of the salty water.

She reached the beach and just got amused by the beauty of the ocean. The last time she saw the sea was on a dirty picture that someone left next to a kind of empty shop. In fact, that was the only time she saw the sea, but now it was real and extending in the horizon in front of her.

She could not wait to jump into the water and start swimming, but something distracted her. Something was floating toward a piece of land on the horizon, it took a few seconds for the black female to notice that it was a wolf swimming toward an island not far away from the coast.

In a second the large female was swimming as well toward the island. It was harder than swimming on a lake, but she got used after a few minutes of swimming against the weak waves, she reached the beach of the island after the other female, following her footprints she found the Brown female standing there. She walked toward the female lowering her head to don't look like any kind of threat before saying Hello there.

Akira lives "Akira talks" Akira thinks

Table by Luna

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