By River We Come to Spirit You Away

Courage filled her, the duty to her friends and her family blinding her from the dangers that the gray male brought. The woman had lived a long life filled with more happy moments then sorrowful ones, perhaps it was simply her time. They couldn't live for ever...

He leaped towards her, Anu lowered her face to protect her eyes from his jaws and he took hold of the loose skin that her neck owned and felt the tension and then pain that followed as he pulled her. Her paws stumbled forward to keep the flesh was ripping from the forced and fell forward into him as they rocked through the undergrowth. Twisting to try to bite his limbs and body only brought searing pain to her but she fought against him and struggled. She fell the ground, but lashed out again and again only to miss his bulky body.

Then there was nothing. The sharp blow to her skull caused her to leave the conscious world even before the pain could coarse through her head and neck. The wolf lay limp, darkness taking over faster then the turn of a second.


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