I Will Always Belong
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... ableII.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

WC: 300+

The strangers name seemed odd to Jazper’s ears. Certainly not a plain English name. As he looked the male up and down he began to wonder where then name had come from but dared not ask, thinking it rude. “Nice to meet you.” The warrior stated plainly. It wasn’t very often that he ran into such a scent in these parts. Often he had wondered which pack it was from, as the Knight had never gotten around to tracking the smell, to its source. “Which pack are you from, if you don’t mind me asking?” Smiling gently, “I’ve noticed the scent around but I’ve never had a name to the place.” It might be silly but the young male was a bit of a home lover and rarely left Crimson Dreams except to travel into the city for supplies of various kinds.

The word came out of the male’s mouth leaving Jazper slightly standoff-ish. It was true that he was just thinking about how nice it would be to take down the moose, now just a few miles back from where they stood, had he brought along a partner for the hunt but it was very strange that this male would appear and ask him if he were on the hunt. Perhaps he had seen the moose? “Wouldn’t be thinking of that moose to the south would you?” It was possible that the male had seen the same beast in his travels around these parts and it would be a bit of a challenge but with his mass and Galileo’s slim body, which was clearly made for speed, it was possible. Noticing the brown male glance at his back Jazper adjusted himself to look as well. A large smile appeared on his muzzle at the sight of the tattoos, “Hey, nice tattoo!” He exclaimed. It wasn’t very often he saw another canine with odd markings.


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