Spending Time With Strangers

Think the 17th, late morning?

The foolish, childish idea that Cyp might belong in the lands of his father had been squashed. He had met few of the coyotes of Inferni and those experiences had left him with little desire to meet anymore if they were all red-eyed demons cut from the same cloth. Talitha and Halo had made it clear there was no place for him here and he felt the solidarity of that in his heart now. He wished to return home to the lands he knew. Where a bed and room that were his own waited for him and with any hope his mother too would be there. He had proven himself useless, but Savina and the rest of the pack would not rest until his mother was back at home in Haven Manor, of that he was sure.

Wishing for sometime to himself, away from the guest house his father shared with the two jackals the spoke in a strange tongue, Cypress once again braved the unknown of the forest that surrounded him. This time his intentions were simply to explore and with no intentions to hunt he made no effort to keep padded feet silent as he made his way along a well worn and winding path. Though there was little of interest and the forest seemed the same as any other. Perhaps it was just being homesick that was bringing him down and making the world seem so dull.

A blur of motion caught his eye, stopping the youth in his tracks and ears perked hearing a voice call out a short distance away. Despite the small distance the words were distinct and clear, though a bit confusing. Was she talking to him? Well he assumed it was a female, the voice sounded young yet still feminine. "Hello?" he called out as he approached. "Hello, who's there?" He was leery after his last encounters with the locals. "Oh, sorry to interrupt.." He said as the very wolfish youth came to a halt seeing the young girl investigating some sort of burrow, or something.

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