He could feel her anger, annoyance and frustration. He watched quietly as she paced back and forth, back and forth before she finally collapsed. His heart went out to her, she'd been through so much. He sighed, moving only a speck of grain closer to her, before hearing her words. It was supposed to be safe. Though she didn't intend to stab him with her words, he felt the pain deep down. It was.... and it was he who'd let Argul in the pack, and alone with Orin. It was he who had not insisted on staying with her while the pups were still new, and he had just let out information that could potentially harm all of the pack.

"You are right.... The pack should be safe. I'm doing all I can to help protect it, but I'm one wolf."

He said, wishing he was all that was needed for the pack to be safe. He'd learned the hard way just how much one had to work to actually keep a place safe. He was working that and some, at least that was what it felt like until now, now that he set himself back for a full on army attack.

"The only place I found safe was the one I MADE safe. I can't let other people keep things safe I found that I had to do work, hard work, but it keeps everyone else safe."

He wasn't sure she would get what he was meaning, but he knew she would be smart enough to understand. She was smarter than him after all. More swift, light on her feet, and had grown far more than he ever had. He could see her as someone who could help protect the pack, even if she wasn't a fighter. He wasn't sure how she would react to him though. He was sure she was still angry, but he wanted to get her mind off that, and find a way where she could feel safe, even around him, though he couldn't see why anyone ever could feel safe.

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