Friends are flowers in life's garden.

He grinned at the idea of planting pumpkins. When she first stuttered, he assumed it was surprise from his wounds. His face warmed under her fur as she stepped away from him. It became apparent when she finally got her name out why she was so flustered by him. Orin. He'd heard rumors of her living with Shaw, but hadn't worried about whether or not it was actually true. Obviously, it was.

When she turned away, his smile finally fell off his face. His face clouded over. His voice was soft, almost surly when he answered her stammered question. "I came to check on the garden, Orin, not pick a fight with anyone." The fight with Shaw had been a foolish, childish thing to do. He regretted it afterwards, that was why he'd patched Shaw up while he'd been unconscious. Tal's ears folded back, his wagging tail drooping.

He'd really mangled things. If Orin felt this way, how would Sky feel when she heard about the fight? What kind of an example was he setting for Liam? He let out a soft breath, unsure of how to start fixing things. he stared at her back for a moment, then spoke again, his voice softer and resigned.

"I'm not normally like that. I let my temper get the best of me. I was going to offer to help you with the pumpkins... but I'd make you too uncomfortable. Sorry I bothered you, Orin." He turned to leave, feeling foolish. If everyone was going to treat him this way, he'd just become more reclusive. He'd tend his personal garden, keep studying his books, and just stay to himself. He didn't need the stigma of a foolish fight to ruin his whole life. He wished he would have thought of that before he'd thrown the first punch.

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