(pi)r² or are they round?

indent Icarus cast a glance towards his father at the invitation for a wrestling match. A small grin formed, though sly in nature, and he shook his head. "Oh come onnn, daddy. I don’ wanna." He turned away, and pretended to stalk off a few steps, before hesitating. The thin smile grew into a mischievous sneer and he turned quickly on his paws, launching himself at Phoenix. "GOTCHA! HA!" Icarus yelled, as he collided with his father’s side. "I tricked yah, didn’ I? Didn’ I?"

indent He would have loved to stay out like this with his father for hours more, but his body couldn’t handle too much more. Spending time with Phoenix was the farthest thing from somniferous, but Icarus couldn’t help to let a few yawns escape.


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