Curiousity killed the cat,
Out of Character

Yayyy, someone replied! xD

In Character

Mya looked back at the submissive wolf, a scar along her eye and her fur rather dark. She spoke; the buffalo wolf’s ears perking toward her. A polite, yet so very flirty, smile crossed her lips as her eyes noticeably traveled along the large female’s body. She wasn’t always so obvious of a flirt upon meeting new females or males, but ever since meeting Tal and Soran she’d become part of the flirting game. Most of the time she didn’t even mean anything. She was more of a looker, than a teaser. Whatever the matter though, she found the woman enticing.

“Hey there. I’m Mya.” Her body, not so amazing but surely not ugly, swiveled to face the black female with the gray undercoat. Her blue eyes dashed around curiously to see if the female was alone; she had no scent of another pack. Registering the larger female as a loner, she sat back on her haunches and calmly wagged her tail a bit. Her eyes examined the scarred eye, wondering if this female liked fighting. Mya certainly did not.

Her head cocked to one side, one ear slopping down while the other leaned over and twitched. Her tongue was on the verge of falling out of her mouth; a habit Mya found only attractive in men. “So what brings you to the island? I was just curious to see what it was. I was lookin’ for some get away.” Her eyes danced once more along the black body, curiosity growing like moss on a tree.

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