Character Name: Kota

Character Birthdate: may 12th 2010 (15 months old, human age of 20)

Gender: Male

Species: Canus Lupin (wolf)

Is your character a Luperci?: Yes

Other 'Souls Characters: None

How you found 'Souls?:

Are you joining a pack?: Loner

If joining a pack, are you joining IC or OOC?: Would like to join ICly, through writing it out

Profile or three writing examples: Example 1: Kota had been traveling for a very long time before finding what he had longed for; which is a cave in which to hide himself from the cold snowy night. His fur was covered in ice from the fridged air and his auds felt as if they had frozen right off his head. Not to mention his poor nose lost feeling hours before hand; Kota took refuge in the back of the cave and tried to warm himself but with no tender there had been no way to start a fire for himself so he only hunkers down and wishs for the best.

By mornings first light Kota had regained some of his former warmth; although feeling hungry, he would worry about that later. His only concern being in trying to find a place where he had only heard rumors of; a place where he could be accepted. He had been so close before but a blizzard had turned him around and by the time he realized his mistake in going the wrong direction; he had already backtracked by miles and left him feeling downtrodden and a bit disappointed.

Kota could almost smell the new scents in the air but would not get his hopes up this time untill he would reach his destination and find these lands that rumor had spoken of. Absently the poor wolf stumbled towards the south; he had come from the north-higher up in canada and cursed himself for ever undertaking such a journey. Yet here he was stumbling through the new snow. he wondered if traveling would be easier in his four legged form but rarely did he use that form as he perfered to stand on two legs and make his way.

Example 2: A pair of crimson eyes search around the park for nothing in particular; a silent step carries him a few feet at a time. The cool wind blows his long hair and pushs the bottum of his trench coat away from his legs. Vincent Von Borough has arrived in New York City; well about 30 minutes prior. But the first place he headed for was Cental Park. He ignored the curious or frightend looks of passerbys and enjoyed the peacefull sounds of the park with the only slight city buzz behind him. He would have to find himself a job and a place to stay but for now he just wanted to roam the park.

Vincent quickly found of the lakes and stopped for a drink; sure he knew he could have used the water foundtains but somehow he didn't trust the water anymore that was processed under the watchfull eyes of Goddess knows who. Instead he savored the fresh and slightly fishy tasting water from a lake much to the park goers surprise and disgust. Vincent is used to that to, he is after all the only non-shifting animal type meta-human that he knows of. After taking his thirsts fill of lake water he sat back on the banks and gazed out over the rippling water with mild interest, silently wondering what the future may hold in this city.

Once again his mind turns to those lost two years ago rather by looting, dissappearence or the strange creatures that came to this world both from other plains of exsistance and from other worlds. He closes his eyes as he lays back against his backpack while his hand comes up to finger the ankh around his neck.

September 14th 2012 3:18 PM
A beautiful woman with short brown hair is giving a handsome man with soft blueish green eyes and black short hair. He has a bit of a tan; the ankh necklace, placing it around his neck "take it, my will keep you safe always" she says to him. He tries to resist "no its yours and you should keep it...i know how you treasure it" but the woman persists untill he gives in. He wraps his arms around her as she does to him and they share a passionate kiss.

Present day

Vincent opens his eyes to find tears in them; he sits up slowly and gazes out over the water again while letting those tears sulk down into his fur. He grasps the ankh necklace and with the slightest of whispers "i love you" he utters to that long lost woman. She had gone missing just three days after the Strike hit Africa and sweapt around the world and in his travels towards New York. he hadn't found any sign or tale of her.

Example 3: Akira had finally arrived back in New York; the first thing she did was dismiss her families limo driver then hailed a taxi and came straight home to the Millennium Hilton. Once there she wastes no time in paying the cabby and heading towards the front doors.

"Good evening Miss Nanase" says the door man as he opens the front door for her.

Akira glances at the door man whom she has seen almost every day for as long as she can remember. "Good evening Winston" she calls to him as she enters and heads straight to the elevator. It slide open and she stepped in, the elevator operator greets her by name as well and she smiles and nods to him.

"where are your parents?" he questioned her because he was concerned about them "they....didn't make it through the shift two years ago" at that point the subject was dropped.

The elevator bell rings and she exits as soon as the doors part; she makes her way into the penthouse suite where she has lived most of her life. She gazes around and sighs before sitting down on the couch, she picks up the TV remote and turns on the tv. She is greeted with the face of what seems to be a large wolf, she wonders if the TV is on animal planet untill it speaks.

"This is Vincent with continuing coverage of the 2014 annual beauty pagent where contestents have shown determination and grace in this years pagent.." the camra panned and showed a number of contestents strutting their stuff. "As you can see competition is tight this year...back to you at the studio" a female voice came on over the five day weather. "thanks Vincent and now for-" Akira turned off the TV and stood up.

She wandered to the bathroom where she started the shower. Undressed and stepped into the stand alone glass stall and let the water pour over her for a moment. Then takes a thorough shower in an attempt to wash away the past two years of pain and missery.

Akira walked from the bathroom nearly an hour later and over to the kitchen to make herself some dinner. The whole time she is cooking she makes little sounds and eventually has a complete conversation with herself in three different voices ranging from a male to what sounds like an A.I. computer. Sometimes she would have a whole soup opra going with herself alone where voices would have dramas ad love trangles. she did it for entertainment but more often then not she would get weird looks when she did this in public; most of the time she would imitate cell phone rings untill whoever was staring would lose interest and grab at their cell phone.

She walks back to the douch and sits down to eat her dinner which consisted of poorly made filet minion with a side of over cooked stuffed mushrooms. Normally she is a great cook but lately her concentration has been slipping.

Between bites of her dinner the room would become filled with a symphony of musical intruments playing all the same song each time but sounding spooky as well. After dinner she took the plate to the washer and then went back to the couch; where she turned on the TV ad placed the remote on scan before laying it down and just watching the flicking images.

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