now you're just somebody that i used to know
She was happy to see him, this was good, because he was still never sure when she was going to throw a punch at him, or just walk away like she had before, though she'd never thrown one, but it would be a good reason to come back here. He returned her smile with one of his own. Happy to see his daughter he didn't miss the frown she'd given him. She had not given him a pack territory, and wondered why. He could smell a pack all over her. One he did not recognize. That disappeared when she mentioned she missed him and leaned into him. He was not used to this kind of affection from his daughter. He gave her shoulder a quick sympathetic squeeze, allowing her to stay there as long as she wanted.

"I've missed you too sweetheart. You know my doors are always open for you, if you need to spend any time here. I don't think Vigilante would mind at all as long as you don't cause any troubles for anyone else."

He said calmly the last bit being a bit of a joke. She turned her attention on the young pup beside Niro, and he'd suddenly started acting shy. The boy scuffled a paw in the dirt and looked down, then up, with his bi colored eyes.

"I 'member you a lil."

He said moving further into Niro's fur. Niro shrugged, the boy was either very excitable or very shy, it always depended on the person, he could understand Jira's shyness now, since Maggie had never really been that nice to him in the past, but she never showed outright hate either. He knew Jira would be all over her in a little while.

"Would you like to come in? Have a bite, or a drink?"

The man asked when she turned her attention on him. Now that she was here it reminded him that he had something for her, but that could wait, right now he would work with the pleasantries first.

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