Curiousity killed the cat,
Out of Character

ooc writing as much as i can before the school take over me >>

In Character

Standing there still on a submissive posture she waited for the other fem to answer her greeting, as the brown she-wolf studied her body with the look. Akira remained still making the same travel along the fem's body, she noticed that her guessing about the other wolf's size was right. She was pretty bigger than the other wolf and maybe pretty stronger too. This fact gave her more confidence making her raise her head a bit taking a more comfortable position.

When the smaller wolf finished her research, The brown she finally answered the greeting, telling Akira her name. Smiling back the black wolf said "My name is Akira, it's a pleasure to meet you Mya." She now pretty sure that the smaller wolf wasn't any kind of threat she sat back on her hindquarters.

Shaking her pelt to get rid of the excess of salty water that covered her fur waiting for the other wolf to talk. Then, she suddenly asked of her reasons to be there, smiling again the black she-wolf answered, I have been traveling around... I never saw the sea before it is pretty beautiful. She gave a look at the sea and then back at the female and well I got a bit curious when I saw you swimming toward the island.

Noticing how the wolf's curiosity keep on growing she added, I am new around here, so I dont really know about this place...

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