Geek out, with your beak out!
.: OOC ::Hope your feeling better love. WC :.4+

The child watched her mother, the more she sat there in her pretty flowers crushing them, the child was more tempted to call out to her to tell her, no wait, it was wrong to tell to ask her to get off her pretty flowers. Juliet hated seeing something that did nothing wrong get hurt, why did other’s hurt the ground? The ground did nothing wrong to them. The child watched her mother with her dark blue eyes, they had not really stop getting darker since birth. It was strange that she did that, what made her do that? Her mind raced in question after question that she wanted to ask her mother, but then again she did not want to bother her mother with the game of twenty million questions. The child’s ears flicked forward as her mother spoke her eyes watched her pretty mother. She knew that a lot of adult said things that just didn’t make sense, and to her that just was not making sense! They should say what they mean and what they want out of her. She could better understand them if they did that. ”Why do they do that Momma?” The dark eyed child couldn’t help but to ask as she moved down from her rock and moved over to her mother, pushing to get onto her soft lap against the soft fur of her body. The scent of her mother helped her relax and deal with all of the new stuff she was being put though. Her mother’s eyes where odd, The child just wish that she could understand the world that she was living in a bit better, maybe then she wouldn’t have such a hard time talking to the others that she meet.”No. I’m Juliet Moonsong, it was what to told me my name was. I am not anyone else but me? Do you want me to be Juliet Takekuro? How can it slip? You did not fall down, so how could it slip? You did sit down very hard upon the pretty flowers though.” The child stopped her thoughts, she was doing it again she was stating facts that did not matter, and it would not help her talk to her mother if she did this things, why did she do these things?! The child smiled up at her mother as she sniffed the air; yes her mother’s wonderful scent filled her with joy. ”I have a brother?” The child looked up at her mother very much confused, where was he? Was he older?”Dose he live with someone else?” She thought out loud as she looked around, she did not want to leave her mother’s side or she would go looking for him.

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