Hunting on strange lands
Rain had lost Shiloh's scent a long time ago. He had been traveling for days and had decided to take a break and set up camp in between two territories. He had no idea where he was but he was going to stay far away from pack lands for the time being. After he had made sure Anke was ok and settled in he decided to hunt. It was getting dark and Rain shifed to his Secui form for better hunting. It was going to be a cool night with a slight wind blowing the scent of a deer towards him. He followed its trail, staying down wind of poor animal. It was going to be a easy kill for him, the deer not noticing it was about to become his dinner.

All it had to do was take a few steps to the left..... It happened faster then he would have thought. Something else had grabbed his deer. He came out of his spot to find a black colored female already tearing into the carass that was suppose to be his. She looked like she hadn't eatten in days and he watched her with a curiousity that made him wonder if she was a savage as she looked. She ate quickly before looking up. They had been drawn closer to the boarders of a pack and something told him it wasn't safe to linger.

"Are you done? I have a mink kit I have to feed and you stole my deer," he said softly, approching the dark female, circling her incase she attacked him. She reminded him of Shiloh except with less scars. She had this demenor about her and he was curious about why she was alone.

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