Resting in the Void
OOC text

When the male noticed him and let out a growl Zalen flicked his ears back against the back of his head. Sorry, didn’t mean to disturb… but then he noticed how the male seemed uncomfortable, he wheezed and it made Zalen perk an ear back up. Was he injured? Perhaps the struggle with his catch had hurt him. Zalen knew from first-hand experience how difficult it was to take something down alone, especially something large. That’s why he had begun hunting smaller game; rabbits, fawn and young deer, even fish. It was less draining but not as satisfying as a full grown elk or stag, but without the aid of a pack going after these things was fool-hardy.

Perhaps this male had made that mistake, he was still young from the looks of it, perhaps only a year old. Zalen was somewhat surprised actually, he had yet to meet a lone wolf this young, he wondered why he had become separated from his family at such a crucial part of his life. Zalen let out a sigh, in fact he had become separated from his own mother in adolescence, but he had been picked up by older wolves right away, so he had never been on his own until nearly a year ago, when he was full grown. In fact he was now in his prime, and this young male had quite some nerve growling at him, but he could not judge him, they were on neutral territory and Zalen was a stranger, though a harmless one for now.

Now deciding to stand upright Zalen’s figure reached nearly seven feet and he took a good look around. The day was calm, no breeze, and it was cooler than it had been. He inhaled deeply and only smelled the faint scents of other wolves. So this Luperci male was safe then, no one would bother him if Zalen just turned to leave. Are you hurt? Though the male didn’t seem to want Zalen around he didn’t want to just leave someone if they were injured. Zalen remembered when he himself had been hit on the head by a falling branch and had asked the female wolf Luna to stay with him until he knew he was alright. Head injuries were very dangerous but so were blunt force trauma. Zalen wasn’t a healer in any respects but he knew these things from experience.

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