[m]Concious Fists
OOC: Eh >.< that happens....and sorry if my attack doesn't make sense >.> rushed typing

Rurik listened carefully to what the man was saying, watching him for any sudden moves. He seemed to be calm now, but one could never be to careful. Rurik could see that the man was pretty pissed off, and was beginning to think that maybe he should leave, but there was some part of him that wanted to go on. "So...that old tree represents your pack does it? I take it that all those markings are from members of the pack...so if I burned it down, it would be like I was burning a piece of all of your pack mates..." He sounded more calm than he actually was. When the man suggested that he find some other place to destroy, he couldn't help but smirk a bit. "And be greeted just the same as I have been here? No thanks, I try to finish what I start." Something had suddenly shifted in him. Before, he hadn't wanted to fight, but now he didn't care. He didn't care if the man attacked him, he didn't care if the man called the rest of the pack to them, he just didn't care. He suddenly wanted to fight with the man, just to see who would win. He had never felt like this before, it was rather disturbing to him.

He had his staff held in his right hand, his left empty. Without warning, he stepped forward and spun backwards, making his staff swing out so he was now holding the end and it was parallel to the ground. He continued to spin, swinging his staff for the side of Shaw's head.

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