Another day in paradise
She started laughing even before they were at the top, anticipating what was to come. It could either go over so well, or so very wrong, but Orin didn't care. Nothing would keep her from getting in that cart.

They reached the top of the hill and the incline leveled out. The were suspended for just a moment before Orin felt the release as the cart began to roll on it's own. “Quick!” she shouted with glee, but she didn't have to tell Shawchert – the man already acted. She leaped up and over the back of the duck's tail and landed in the cart with an unceremonious thud, and just a hair later Shawchert was next to her. They jostled as they tried to right themselves before soaring down the hill, and their heads accidentally clonked together. This only made Orin laugh harder though as she clutched the bar in front of them and screamed. And then they were falling, falling.

The cart roared down the biggest hill, the Luperci smashed shoulder-to-shoulder. It wasn't what you would call a smooth ride, but it was one of the damn funnest things Orin had ever done. She let go, putting her hands in the air as she screamed at the top of her lungs. There was a sinking feeling as they neared the bottom of the hill, and she realized that it was a split section of sadness; their ride was over. No... wait!

“We're still going!” She cried and then laughed as the cart zoomed forward. Over one bump, over two... And then the hills were gone, and the track curved around toward another set of rolling track. They coasted to a stop on an incline, and the grade made Orin lean on Shawchert's shoulder. She couldn't stop laughing; she was laughing so hard she was crying.

“Oh my god, that was great!” She looked over her shoulder, peering back at all the track they had covered. For the first time in a long time, Orin felt like a pup again. She turned back around, looking at Shawchert – who most of her weight was leaning on, thanks to the slant of the track.

“Hey,” she said as she suddenly realized something. “What stopped us?” She glanced back again, and then looked at Shawchert. “Do you see, there's no device here that's supposed to be making this go.” She was having an epiphany. “It works on it's own! Do you remember on the hill back there... there was a machine... but not here. It just got the car to the top of the hill...” She started climbing – rather clumsily – over the front of the cart. She swung her arm around the duck's thick neck for support, but much of her body still dangled over the front as she climbed upside-down to look underneath the cart.

“Yeah! There's nothing! Do you know what this means?” She scooted a little farther forward, talking a mile a minute. “If this thing were cleaned up, it might go around the whole-- AHH!” In her excitement, she lost her grip on the cart and started to topple forward. They were at a low point in the track, but if she fell onto the grade there was still a good few feet before the ground.


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