First Kill
sorry failsauce waiting and post

Tawny stroked the large scars that disfigured her face and Jace's eyes filled with long ago pain and sorrow, these scars had cost her a heavy price, one that she would have never consented to pay had she been given a choice; the life of her sister. Jace snuffled and then followed at her grown daughter, tugging at the carcass with her teeth and swallowing gulps of meat while Tawny proceeded to rip the deers head off in order to 'break it'. She sneezed as a spray of arterial blood splattered her pelt and shook herself humorously.

While Tawny played with the antlers and blood of the beast she had brought down, Jace quickly ate her fill of its flesh and a large gaping hole now existed where its stomach and abdomen used to reside. She snapped off a few of its ribs and placed them in a pile, she could file them down and make tools or jewelry out of them. Then she shifted into her two legged form and smiled at Tawny,

"Shall we break it up then?"

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