And We Watched The Stars Fall To Chaos
No worries lass Big Grin I just need you to add the joining form to your first post and fill it out; clicky! Its at the bottom of the joining checklist.

Jace paused and flared her nostrils, sucking in the scent of the young female and memorizing it like she did with everyone she met. Samantha's response to Jace's question and her bodily actions had her relaxing slightly, obviously she understood how to act and show proper respect to her higher ups. She nodded her head, indicating that the female should return to her feet and took a few more steps forwards, and smiled,

"My name is Jace, I am the Yakuso of this pack. I must ask you a few questions first before I can accept you into the pack." Jace shifted her feet and remembered her own joining of Phoenix Valley, it all seemed so long ago when in actual fact it had only been the beginning of the year. Her mismatched eyes searched the female's face and posture for any hint that she was lying or meant ill towards either her or Ichika.

"Firstly, why do you wish to join the pack? Secondly, where are you from and do you have any family?" They were basic questions that everyone was asked before they were allowed to join, they would progress onto the deeper questions once she had answered the first ones.

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