Wandering About

OOC :: WC→300+

The days keep on going and coming for the black female, not many interesting things happened since she arrived on that new lands. The days of wandering alone ended when she just arrived, she already knew that she was surrounded by wolf territories and because this by opportunities. But a strange need was starting to grow inside her, when was the last time she had a good fight? After all her whole family died on a war with other clan. "Why would I like to fight now? the female whispered for herself. The answer was pretty simple, she was raised to fight and protect others or just herself.

After a few minutes of thinking she felt the scent of other two wolves and she was sure that one of them was not part of any pack because his scent. She was not the kind of wolf that started fights with no reason, but probably the other wolves were, in her secui form she surely was be bigger and stronger than anyone that could be out there...

Following her nose she found a female wolf that, judging by her smell she was part of a pack. A long low growl carried her attention to the bushes, there was other wolf that was looking at the female, and he wanted to fight. Akira waited for the female to answer the growl, Akira wanted to fight but was not stupid, before an attack she learned to watch the opponent in search for their disadvantages. The black female ordered him to leave and, suddenly the male freeze on its place, he seemed unsure of what to do. He almost told the she-wolf to let him go and that it was just a misunderstanding, it seemed just pathetic, after provocating her just saying such bad excuses.

Akira waited for the female to answer, and then she jumped in saying unexpressive. Did i interrupted something?

Akira lives "Akira talks" Akira thinks

Table by Luna

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