[m] World of our Own

finally, i can write again. at least for the moment. | +332

His heart was beating fast pumping fear throughout his body as he raced through the woods. He could barely see where to run in the near total darkness. The trees seemed to reach out to grab him or trip him. The trees that were his friends had now seemed to turn against him. "Why was he running?" he asked himself, "What was i running from?" Before he could think of an answer the fear was replaced by something else. He was still running, not away from something, but towards something. He was now filled with a desire, an evil desire. The ground seemed to shake beneath him...

Temo woke up with a start, his heart felt like it was trying to pound it's way out of his chest. The bed squeaked and shifted as Jace settled back into bed. He realized that it was Jace returning to bed that had woken him up. He laid there quietly watching her silhouette lay next to him as he pushed the fading memories of his nightmare into the dark reaches of forgetfulness. His heart calming to a more normal and restful pulsing.

As he laid there in the dark with some moonlight shining into the room, his thoughts turned to why he had a nightmare. He could not think of anything that had happened recently to cause it. He had been feeling like Jace and he were slowly drifting apart for a while but with the pack move to the new territory and the claiming of a house to be theirs seemed to have turned that trend around. Jace seemed to be coming back to him and he was happier now, so why was he having night mares now. His thoughts drifted around but could not put a claw on a reasonable explanation other than it was a dream and sometimes they are nightmares. Temo closed his eyes to the moonlit dark and fails to go back to sleep.

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