[m] World of our Own
Jace Wolfe

Word Count:: 300 || OOC::

She felt him snap to wakefulness from slumber, his motions jarring the mattress and heard his breathing quicken. She sensed within her soul more than felt with any of her senses the nightmare that had haunted his sleeping hours and disturbed him so. Now that her mind had been woken to the world it refused to switch back off and the niggling awareness irritated her. Beside her Temo's breathing did not deepen or slow to indicate he had fallen back to sleep, it seemed they were both going to be kept awake by their night terrors. A second time she sat up and shifted her legs off of the bed and onto the floor, ashen fingers rubbed at her eyes and in the moonlight that poured in through the window, the scars Lucifer had inflicted onto her back shone with an eery luminescence that belied their evil nature.

Weight settled onto paws that splayed under it as she stood slowly and gracefully, her bushy tail flickered behind her as she padded silently to the door of their bedroom. She could feel his eyes on her back, the dark gaze burned into her and made her shiver just a little in a kind of anticipation. Her head turned slightly and her words were barely a whisper but he would still hear them, lupine ears assured that,

"Are you coming?" Not waiting for an answer she slipped quietly out of the room, she didn't need to hear him answer. She knew he would follow. The hallway was cast in shadows turning the world into a mirage of black and white, her own whites were dampened down in the dark. The kitchen was the same as the hallway except the moon's light that streamed in gave it a silvery glow, her eyes saw through the gloom so she had no need to light candles. She rummaged about and found one of the waterskins they kept, pouring the cool liquid into a metal pot she awoke a small fire and set the pot into it to boil the water. She returned to the cupboards, searching about for the unopened tin of cocoa powder she had seen earlier, expecting Temo's arms around her waist any second now.

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