infected by your genetics

He was already feeling a little homesick. Not that he would admit it. His blue gaze looked out across the water surface. He had not seen the larger body of water Inferni held for he had not ventured past the forest, but he longed for the shores of Rabbit Lake and its vast body of water. And he worried terribly for his mother. His mind filled with too many thoughts as he stared over the water's surface, watching its soft and steady movements. He found the chatter of the various insects and frogs that made their home here to be a comfort. Things here had not been what he had expected. His stay here would be limited and had come with many warnings. Surely the rumors he had about Inferni were simply exaggerated stories. Though skulls that marked their border had proven real enough.

The soft pad of approach from behind him had not gone unnoticed, but they had raised no alarm in the boy either. So careless. These lands were so much more savage than that of Dreamers. A lesson that had not yet fully sunk into the youth's mind. He turned to face whom ever it was that had addressed him, words laced with venom. Blue eyes locked on those of Crimson for just a moment before they dropped in proper respect. His front feet shifted uncomfortably under him, feeling the malice that radiated from the woman. "To visit my father, Gabriel." He said simply, his eyes looking past her as he nodded towards the guest house in which his father lived.

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