It's all there is

She'd been feeling kind of bad lately, body-wise. Like something wasn't quite right with her. She didn't know exactly what it was, but something was definitely off. Naniko thought about this as she walked, rolling things over inside her head. Maybe she was getting sick. In that case she shouldn't have been going out on a walk, she should have been inside resting.

She could see something off in the distance, washed up on the looked like a dead animal. But what animals around here were that big? And the reddish color seemed really familiar. Her heart nearly stopped when she realized what the form was, her mind going completely blank for a few moments. She didn't know what to do! Of course she had her bag with her. The girl ran as fast as she could, breath tearing from her lungs in gasps. Had she even made it in time? She put her ear against his chest, felt his neck and his wrist. If she could feel his heartbeat...

There it was. Faint...but there. He looked horrible...but the most important thing she could do was make sure that he was breathing. She couldn't tell...Naniko put one fist onto his chest and put her other hand over it, pushing on his ribs.


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