M - while the wicked stand confounded
xD Usually I'm pretty good about it, but sometimes I drink and then decide I have to post~

The moment his jaws locked onto the man's arm, the dog King held on as tightly as he could, biting and pulling at the flesh in his mouth. Vigilante was out for blood. He wanted Keese to suffer for what he had done; he wanted him to feel the pain of it. It could have easily been a quick process, but the King did not want the greyscale wolf to have an easy, quick death. He needed to suffer. That thought repeated in his mind, even as the man pulled back his fist to hit him.

He shifted his body so that the punch hit his other shoulder, an intake of breath at the impact causing him to lose his hold on the man's arm. Vigilante had the man on the ground; he should have ended it there. Green eyes flashed dangerously as he stared at the golden gaze of the male. It was too soon.

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