Hunting on strange lands

Akira Youali

The camp wasn't too far from the place where Akira killed the deer, carrying the carcass with the male's help was pretty easier than carrying it alone, The carcass was pretty light. Why would the male ask for help if it was so easy to carry the carcass? She thought before reaching the border of the small field where the camp was located.

The black female looked at the mink while she greeted her owner. It was pretty strange for Akira to see how they both were related, all the wolves that she once knew would just kill the little animal for food or just to teach the youngers, but this dog wasn't showing any sign of wanting to harm the little milk. She left the carcass on the floor while the milk cub hidden from the she-wolf.

She looked back at the dog as he apologized for the milk. "She would has to get used to you. Thank you for your help. If you stay I'll give you some of the dried meat" She repeated the dog's words mentally, it looked like he wanted her to stay even if he hadn't given her his name yet. Anyway, it was a tempting request. The sun already disappeared on the horizon and without a camp she was in need of risking herself by sleeping uncovered. Ill stay with you, atleast for tonight. She answered after a minute, and smiling she added. You haven't told me your name, "you" don't sound really proper for you. noticing how the dog studied her and how the curiosity inside him grew she guessed. What are his intentions ...

Akira Lives Akira Talks Akira thinks

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