only yesterday..
Iskata crouched down to be more at the young one's height as she smiled when he realized that he did know her. She chuckled and nodded agreement with the child. "Yes you! Why would I come looking for anyone else?" she asked as she cocked her head to the side, watching the small boy carefully as she continued on. "Your family misses you.. your Gamma D wishes she could see you so much.." Iskata felt a small stab of sorrow in her heart at the treatment Deuce was receiving because of her past actions. Shaking her head slightly she lowered her head to her paws and smiled again. "You miss us?" she asked as she settled down before the boy.

Lifting her head up once to press her nose to the small boy's chest she watched him with raised eyes as she asked, "I bet your dad's happy you're here though.. right?" of course Pilot would be happy one of his children had come to live with him, so far they hadn't really had much time to bond but now the two boys would have all the time in the world. Smiling slyly she piped up. "Wanna hear a story bout your da?" she asked, remembering the strange boy that was raised by squirrels, wondering if his son knew.

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