pierce my heart and steal my soul
Impressed by Deuce's brave face she busied herself getting the matching stud in place in the other ear. A small bit of pressure and a sudden pop, the sharp pain and quick spreading numbness and it was over. Humming to herself as she watched to make certain that Deuce was doing okay she worked on the next set and within the half hour she'd had them in place and the posts on the back. Smiling at Deuce as she finished she warned the lady of the soon to be's of the new rings. "They'll bleed a little the next week or so, keep the area clean so they don't get infected too.. and.. watch how you sleep.. it's a pain when you knock them in your sleep.." She was serious about the last bit, she remembered many nights she'd woken up with sharp throbbing pain from a quick toss of her head while sleeping, and she felt easier warning the lady before the events started to take place.

Smiling at the new change in Deuce she leaned back against the table and chuckled softly. "How do you like the new you now?" she knew that part of this change was to make herself into something better than she was, to turn heads and catch eyes. Iskata didn't blame her, they were growing old and had both been through a few mates. It was about time they'd settled down in the world and enjoyed life. She wasn't sure if it was time yet for her, but she wanted that time to grow old together with another still.

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