aint no pretty otherside
the boys where surely starved, Lucifer hadn't came in to see them in two days, beside at night to sleep, then by that time he was beat...plum worn out. the black father would go in hold the boys while they all slept and then he would fall asleep with the boys in his arms. Though today he promise him-self that he would go and at least play with the three boys. Lucifer seen her sitting there, the male knew this was it...this was the day that he would tell her to leave. The male blue eyes quickly went cold, as he walked up to the stoop. "Hello Deuce. Is there something I can help you with?" His coat was covered with the sent of Colibri, which was tainted with the sent of Jasper. Lucifer wasn't ready to have a "mate" just yet, he was still picking up every thing that him and Deuce had broken.

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