Geek out, with your beak out!

Orin watched her daughter. Her eyes were clouded with thought but Orin had no guesses as to the complexity of the running dialogue in Juliet’s young mind. Had she known the way her daughter’s mind focuses in on one thing and then spins out of control while contemplating it she might worry for the child. Then again, it was more likely that she would just assume she was a smart girl, and had an active imagination. Juliet was smart, and was learning to question the world around her. That was a good thing, right?

“For a lot of reasons,” she replied as the pup crawled over the rock and into her lap. She helped her situate comfortably, settling herself with her back against the rock so she could support the both of them. “It depends on the person, and what they’re thinking. Growing up is complicated and sometimes you just can’t stop feeling confused.”

She stared out at the field, watching the beautiful miasma of color sway in the gentle afternoon breeze as the pup breathed an onslaught of questions. Her eyes widened as the girl kept going. It was question after question, without pause, and they were never ending! Orin looked down at the girl, who was still chattering on with curiosities abound.

“Woah woah woah, one at a time, please,” she laughed gently. “First of all, ‘slip’ in the way I used it is a figure of speech. I meant that I said what I did by accident, because I got frustrated and wasn’t thinking as clearly as I should.”

She stroked Juliet’s head gently as she continued, “Sometimes I accidentally call you Takekuro because that is our family name. Your name-“ she tapped her gently on the nose is Juliet Moonsong because that is what I named you - same with Titania. But sometimes I think of you by my name, because you are my daughter.”

Her arms wrapped around the girl and she pulled her close, holding her tightly, lovingly. “And yes, you had a brother. I think you are old enough to know about him now, and I think it will help you understand a little bit more about the world.”

“You and Titania weren’t the only ones in your litter - I gave birth to three puppies. His name was Demetrius Takekuro-Menue, and he was big and strong. But he doesn’t live with anyone anymore. He stayed with your father for a while because he needed him, and I had you and Titania to look out for me, but now he is with everyone.”

“You know some of the stories with bad guys, right? Some of the fairy tails I’ve told you, like the witch in Hanzel and Gretel? Well, they’re not all fantasy,” she sighed softly, looking down at her daughter, wondering if she understood where she was going with this. “A bad guy, a monster, hurt your brother. That is why we don’t see him any more, but he is still here in Cercatori d’Arte. And that’s why I am always so scared when I can’t find you - I worry that a monster got you too.”


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