Glass Cats On The Wall
He nodded to her question, though he could see she had taken what he had meant wrongly. 'Yes, by a loner when I first arrived here. He told me some very basic information on each one and I chose to inquire about here'. In truth it had sounded a much better bet that any of the othr places. The word clan had insitlled intrest into his mind immediatly.

He nodded again at her orders, no, that was a stupid way to answer. They had had people like that back home, idiots who never stated their direct skills. The very idea set his teeth on edge. Taking a breath to prepare himself, he paused and considered his words. 'While my fighting skills can be described as capable, I am athletic and can travel long distances for whatever is needed. I can hunt well and my navigation skills are faily honed also'. He stopped, there was no need to over dress it. He would not lie and say he fought like Heracles, because he would be found out quickly if he did. And of course he could hunt, any canine that had spent a spell as a loner could or else they wouldn't be alive.

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