Curiousity killed the cat,
OOC; Sorry... Family stuff kept me away... :/

"That makes the two of us," Mya replied after Akira said her part. She rose, padding a few more inches closer, before plopping down once more on her bum. The she-wolf's tail swept against the ground, stirring dust and rocks. "I came here out of curiosity. You know, this place seems to be a tad eerie. As if souls are still here from others who were curious..." her voice was in story-mode as she smiled deviously and concluded, "I bet it's dangerous." She winked at Akira, letting her tongue fall out from the side of her mouth. The Buffalo Wolf thought herself quite funny.

She awaited Akira to respond, before moving her head from side to side in a cocky manner and rising up from the ground. Not only did this place make her antsy, but she felt an adventure around the corner. "Care to join me for a safari?" The pup-like curiosity flowing through Mya's veins kicked in as she motioned with her head towards the area behind them, her paws carrying her toward the middle of the island.

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