Curiousity killed the cat,
OOC: The kitten isn't with her at the moment. I'm sorry if I confused you!

She quickened her pace to precisely be in step with the large female. "Yeah. I'm from Cercatori D'Arte, though right now somethings up with some of the pack members... Things are pretty tense and I don't do with tense very well." She walked around a large pointy rock. The female recalled how certain things had gone over in certain places. Couples having off-months and pups causing mischief or grief. Tal flashed briefly through the she-wolf's mind. Don't think about it... Her eyes focused on a certain rock in the mix of dirt and stone.

"Anyways, You ever think about joining a pack? I don't even miss being a loner anymore. But that's me." Her ears were twitching from the sound of the ocean to the chirping of seagulls. Her tail managed a wag as she compared her life before and after. The black female was right beside her, and she probably could tell the mix of emotions that coursed through the small she-wolf's body. The stress was finally gone, and so was the grief. The female had definitely learned to handle her losses by remembering the person, and not regretting the death. Something moved behind a thorny bush. The pack animal swiftly turned her head toward the noises, ears perked and nose twitching to smell. Hmmm...

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