I was a little girl alone in my little world

So far, the conversation seemed to be flowing smoothly. As Arye replied to her she found more things to say, more to share with her packmate. Wretch didn't have much experience in this at all, conversing, and it almost never came easily to her. She had never met this canine before, but maybe they had seen each other at a pack meeting in the past without realizing it. Wretch had been at the front of the last one, Gideon's mateship ceremony to Nayru, and had led the way to the orchard with Saul. She had tried to be as unnoticeable as possible then, though, and had left soon after arriving at the tree farm.

"They aren't my real family" She admitted, blurting the words out. "I'm adopted. But..you don't have to be blood with someone for them to be your family." That was how she felt on the matter, anyway. She had grown up believing that Saul was her father and he had raised her as any father would raise a daughter. She couldn't have asked for anything more than the life that he had given her. Always providing for her and giving her a place to live. He'd been the only father she had ever known...or that she could ever remember. Maybe that was the same for Arye, that this Pripyat fellow was her family.

"I really like it here...it's very quiet and beautiful" She commented, wheeling herself forward so she wasn't blocking Arye from entering as well after she closed the door. "I came out to look for some..um...jewelry." She found the correct word. "I like the way that the stones sparkle" Wretch held her arm up to show the other, the gems on her bracelets shining brightly despite the small amount of light in the room. "I live in Cerne Rise, a really nice apartment complex that's not too far from here. Many of us live there...Dad, Gideon and Nayru, Gideon's kids, me, and a few others as well."

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Table image © me'nthedogs @ Flickr

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